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Sunday, November 16, 2008

A sample sermon response
By Ted Cobden

Francie’s 11/9/08 sermon on Bridesmaids (Mat 25: 1-13). Be prepared for the coming of Jesus; now and in the future. Coming as healer, reconciler, vindicator, judge, one who asserts truth and justice.

What impedes openness and readiness for newness of life?
Cynicism, doubt, despair
Depression, discouragement
Pompousness. Vanity. Pride. One thinks one knows it all. Jaded

What facilitates openness?
Courage to hope.
Audacity to believe
Practice of thankfulness.
Discipline in prayer, closeness to the one who is present. Exercise keeps the blood flowing. Energy level high.
Sense of humor, curiosity, enjoyment of surprise. Awe
Vision and imagination generated by faith and hope. “Imagination is more important than knowledge…” Albert Einstein


Anonymous said...

This is an excellent summary Ted.

Lee said...

Indeed. An excellent summary,Ted. To the blogmasters of St. James: could we discuss disallowing anonymous posts?

Anonymous said...

Now trying out another way to leave comments ...