Sermon Response for 11/23/08
In today’s sermon Francie invited us to reflect on the 2 images of leadership in today’s scripture readings. The first image is of the Shepherd (Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24). The second is of the King (Matthew 25: 31-46).
We can have positive and negative thoughts about these kinds of leaders. A shepherd can be feckless, irresponsible and mean-spirited, or she can be nurturing, selfless and foresighted making sure the sheep are fed and protected. A king can be arrogant, self-serving, exploitive and tyrannical, or he can be morally just and empowering his subjects to be the most productive each individual can be. The good and effective king inspires his folk to care for one another thus building up the common wealth of the kingdom.
What makes the difference between a bad leader and a good one? Francie suggests it is the way the leader uses her or his power. The power which leads to good results is described in the epistle (Ephesians 1: 15-23). This is a power which enables the members of the community to see a vision of the best. The best each individual can be and the best the group can be. This is a power that is effective because it enables us to become aware of the Spirit of Christ within and among us. This is the power of the resurrection. The power of God which can raise us from our stumblings, failings, and weaknesses. This is the power which is at work in the church, the living body of Christ, “the fulness of him who fills all in all.”
This power of good and effective leadership was demonstrated this morning when Penny Curry stood up at announcement time and on behalf of all of us expressed our appreciation of what the Rector, Wardens, executive committee and vestry have been doing to help us through our experience of “The Hole in the Wall.” She went on to thank the Choir and the Choirmaster for all they were doing to lead our worship. Penny was exercising the power of good leadership because she was affirming what was good in us. She was helping us to feel the Spirit empowering us in this time of testing.
We are blessed with the vision, examples and experience of good leadership.
Good leadership is complicated. Good people can be bad leaders, they are kind, maybe too kind, but fail to help their flock make difficult decisions. Difficult people can be good leaders, seeing and doing what needs to be done,but perhaps not in a kind way. I have often seen this metaphor at work in the musical world with conductors.
Successful leaders lead by example more than by words. Jesus of course did both. The same Jesus who rode as a king into Jerusalem laid down his life for his flock as Shepherd.
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