This mornings session began with consideration of "Holy Women, Holy Men a monumental addition to our saints calender. This takes up several hundred pages in the blue book. It has attracted some controversy because some think it is focused more on what people accomplished than what kind of lives they lived. It includes WEB Du Bois, Bach, Purcell, and John Henry Newman. This work has been carefully crafted by the Prayer Book Liturgy, and Music committee for trial use over the next trienium. In spite of this , several deputies offered amendments. The floor of our house is not a good place for such nit picking. We have much legislation to get through and this slows things down to a crawl. Nevertheless, we managed to pass it.
Before we broke for worship, we had a number of vip guests visit. Usually this is just seen as an impediment to our legislative work. But this was different. A Jewish Cantor sang a prayer in a fine lyric tenor voice. His artistry was beautiful to hear. Next came an Imam a deep baritone who also came out with mesmerizing sounds. A minister then sang more traditional Chrsitian music. Then they all sang together. It was breathtaking!
I sat right down front for the daily worship. Some lively hispanic music got us in the mood. The first reading was Isaiah 61:1-4. The Gospel was Luke 4:14-20.
The sermon was by Abagail Nelson President of programs forERD . She was very young. Shhe tied the MDGs to Jusus saying the spirit of God is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. The communion was Baisically rite I with the Healy Wiilan service music. The Celebrant was Bishop O Neil of Colorado. The PB sat quietly near the side of the altar.
Ater our deputation lunch, we went back into legislative session. Our first order of buisiness was to concur on the HOB's approval of D025 with slight amendment. The opposition forced a vote by orders and tried various parlimentary maneuvers to slow things down. But we passed it!! Then came C 014 a commission to do a theological study of marriage including Gay and Lesbian relationships. This also passed. There was considerable debate on C067 which called for the disclosure in advance of how much money we spend on litigation of property disputes. This was defeated after a moderate conservative who is also a lawyer argued that it would give away our strategy to people who want to steal from us. Another consrvative accused him of violating the decorum of the house by offering personal attacks.
Just after passing a resolution about the humane treatment of animals, the song leader attempted to get us to sing "All things bright and Beautiful". But he pitched it about a 4th too low to my frustration, so it sounded like a bunch of elephants.
Later after much debate and maneuver, we passed A052 which gives retired bishops seat and voice ,but no vote in the HOB. It was also a vote by orders, a slow process.
We are at least two days behind on our daily agenda and under huge pressure to move things along, so it is frustrating to have so many deputies go to the mic for frivolous reasons.
Our session ended at 5 for provincial caucuses. After that we enjoyed the province one dinner at a restaurant in "Downtown Disney". It was a long walk home after that.
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