It was nearly a 15 hour day. beginning at 7:30. My knee was worse and kept me awake in the night. I had overdone the walking and not kept it elevated or iced. Will not make that mistake again!
Our morning session in the HOD was mostly taken up with debate as a committee of the whole. About 50 people spoke for 2 minutes each. Let me remind everyone that the house rules forbid applause or other signs of approval or disapproval unless specifically authorized. This makes a profound change in the debate process. Many spoke in favor of changing or moving beyond B033. Some spoke in favor of it for the sake of the Anglican Communion, but they were clearly in the minority.
The daily Eucharist followed our morning session. There was a large children's choir. The lesson from Ephesians 4: 1-6 was read in Hawaiian. The Gospel was Luke 10: 25-28.
The sermon was delivered by Bonnie Anderson President of the House of Deputies. It had astonishing relevance to our St James. She related a story about visiting a church in the reorganized Diocese of Fort Worth. The majority of the diocese has chosen to leave TEC. This parish has lost its building and meets in their small town's aging arts center. The stage was set for a production of Hansel and Gretal. The altar was positioned in front of the boiling pot of the witch. But when the Altar Guild had finished, it became a sacred space. She was moved by a sense of openness, lack of fear, and welcome. She said that such communities need to be open to the changes that newcomers bring. We are moving to full communion with the Moravians. Welcome them she said let them teach us how to sing ourselves. Take on unity as Christian practice.
The deputation met for lunch and we then had a very long HOD session from 2 until 6 with essentially no breaks.
We passed a number of resolutions with little debate including (Lee will be glad to hear) the one on Lifelong Christian Formation. We also began the voting process for Pension Fund trustees with the dreaded "doo hickies" with which we had endless trouble in Columbus in 2006. (see above photo). Things went more smoothly this time.
We also heard of some controversy surrounding the election of a new Bishop in Ecuador Central. There will be more debate about this. The diocese has a history of difficulties.
After the session, I grabbed a quick bite and headed to the Integrity Eucharist in the big ballroom of the Hilton. There was a reception outside. I went in and is usual for us folks in the scooters was ushered right to the front where I had a fantastic seat right in front of the Altar and next to the VIPs which included former PB Browning, Bonnie Anderson and others. There was an atmosphere of joy and exuberance. Just as Bonnie Anderson had described in her sermon, the space had been transformed. There were liturgical umbrellas from St Gregory of Nyssa, streamers, and a beautiful altar surrounded by candles, and incense filled the air. Louie Crew the founder of integrity gave the opening invocation and was followed b the rev Susan Russel the current president. the R Rev Gene Robinson Celebrated and the R Rev Barbara Harris preached a memorable sermon in her inimitable style punctuated by "Amens" and "Tell it sister". Before this we renewed our Baptismal vows and had the thanksgiving over water. The Gospel procession went on for about ten minutes. It was a South African traditional song punctuated by great drumming. Huge streamers accompanied the gospel book which went several times all around the room. See the video below.
After the sermon, there were prayers for the ministry of all the baptized. All who have led in the fight for equality of GLBTs were invited to come forward. Then all the GLBT clergy and families were invited and those no longer with us were remembered. I wept.
The offertory was a Kenyan Folk song performed b All Saints Pasadena choir. See the video below.
Bishop Gene celebrated communion after a brief speech honoring the former PB Browning for being first to welcome all to Gods table.
I received from Susan Russel and Elizabeth Kaeton.
We Processed out to "We are Marching in the light of God" with the streamers umbrellas and incense. In spite of the brutal day, I felt as light as air. What a joyful spirit filled end to the day.
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