Well, today did not turn out quite like I had imagined. I had had some pain in my knee which got worse during my travel yesterday and this morning I could barely walk . A visit to the first aid station at the convention center produced a possible diagnosis of a strained ligament or tendon. Our senior deputy Dr. Debbbie Harmon Hines convinced me to rent a "scooter". This has made m life much easier and given me a vividly real perspective on the importance of curb cuts and automatic doors. It hurts like hell, but the scooter is a lot of fun to drive!
This morning Eliot Moss and I took a cab in and after getting our credentials, we sat around drinking coffee while I iced my knee and the committees met for the first time. Our deputation joined by Bishop Scruton, had lunch together.
This afternoon featured an introduction to "Public Narrative" , a process we will use during our meetings. After that, we met in the house of deputies for an orientation session. A humorous skit with players in funny hats demonstrated proper parliamentary procedure and decorum. The players enacted their parts with gusto.
I have come back to the hotel early to get some needed rest. The house of deputies meets tomorrow morning at 8.
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