We began this Sunday with a festive Eucharist at 10am. When I walked in the door, the organ was thundering Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty. After this came a wonderful sequence of drums and dancers with streamers. Then came the opening hymn Christ is Made the sure foundation.
Our first lesson was Isaiah 2:2-4, then Psalm 96 1-7. The Gospel was Luke 10 1-9 which you will remember was used by St James for the Missional Church reflection. Curiously, they left out the part about shaking the dust from your sandals.
Presiding Bishop Katharine preached the sermon. She began by telling us about a truck driven across the country from NYC with electronic equipment used in our convention. Then she spoke about conversations on our list serv about what to bring to Anaheim and how to dry your socks. The gospel says travel light. Our love for order and structure can become an idol. Expect hospitality. Are you open to receive what is offered here? What will you leave behind in order to take what is given you? Offer the shocking news that God's reign is here. Are you ready to go ahead of Jesus?
The offertory sung by the Episcopal Choral Society was a gospel number that reminded me how much our music is enriched by our ethnic diversity.
After communion, the Presiding bishop processed out accompanied by her two predecessors. Everyone cheered as they went by. O , did I mention that there were maybe 7000 people in attendance?
Western Mass was invited to the Tens (The episcopal Network for Stewardship) lunch. Several of us attended includiong Bishop Scruton. Four people were honored. The three living ones offered passionate speeches . "Kamakaze giving, Banishh fear borne of scarcity, Only a Church generous with its resources can speak with moral authority to a Government. We are the hands of God.
Our short afternoon HOD session proved to be very difficult and contentious, though decorum was maintained. Resolution D 025 dealt with where we are 3 years after B033. It states that we want to be full members of the Anglican Communion and that all our baptized are eligible for all orders of ministry including the Episcopate. As we began, three dioceses called for a vote by orders ( lay and clergy) which makes it more difficult to pass a resolution. Other parlimentary maneuvers included attempts to split the resolution into 2 or more parts. All failed , and after considerable debate the resolution passed by about a 2/3 majority in both orders. In our deputation it passed in the Lay and was divided 2/2 in the clergy which is the same as a no vote under our rules. It now goes to the House of Bishops.
We also passed a Strategic vision for reaching Latinos/ Hispanics. This is a huge and very well planned vision for connecting with the 2nd largest Spanish speaking country in the world, the USA.
The session ended with a short prayer.
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