Our day began with a session of the House of Deputies at 8am. Much of this was rather mundane stuff. We have agreed to meet as a "Committee of the whole" later this week to debate how to move beyond B 033 from GC 2006. This was our response to the Anglican Communion and the Windsor Report where we agreed to refrain from elevating to the Episcopate anyone whose "manner of life" presented a challenge to the wider communion. These sessions will allow for extended debate on how to move forward. We will not be able to pass resolutions during this time.
Our first Eucharist followed this session. I sat with one of our clergy deputies, Meredyth Ward. Exuberant African drums ushered us into the space. Our old Testament reading was Ezekiel 36:24-25 from which PB Jefferts Schori took much of her sermon. "A new heart I will give you". Pumping keeps TEC's heart healthy. We will turn to stone unless we reach out to the unchurched. We will receive new life in our heart like a pacemaker. Her final whispered words " Mission is heartbeat".
The offertory Hymn was Hallelujah, we sing our praises" a South African melody accompanied by great drumming.
But the highlight of the morning was the magnificent gospel style piano playing of "Breathe on me breath of life". It was a moment of transcendence. The music just slowly rocked along with an irresistible inevitability and 3000 people stayed perfectly together. We also sang another favorite of mine " I want to walk as a child of the light".
We walked out feeling very light indeed and I spent a good while perusing the Exhibition hall talking with many different people. Folks seem extra friendly to someone in a "scooter".
The deputation met again for lunch and we agreed to attend several committee meetings. I went to Prayerbook, Liturgy, and Music where they discussed a number of projects including a proposed world music collection, revision of Enriching our worship, prayers for women who have had stillbirths or abortions and a project to remove anti Judaism references from Christianity. Over all this is the pressure of very limited funds.
The afternoon session of the House of Deputies featured the confirmation of the Election of two Bishops, both of whom have served as priests in our diocese. John Tarrant former rector of St Pauls Stockbridge was elected bishop of South Dakota. and Larry Provenzano elected this time as one of our clergy deputies (rector St Andrews Longmeadow) Bishop of Long Island, where he grew up. See the T shirt in the above photo worn by his deputation.
Immediately after this session which ended about 6 pm we rushed over to the Hilton Ballroom to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury speak. He was introduced by our PB Bishop Katharine who got a huge ovation from the large assembly. Rowan's subject was about how to carry out the Gospel in a time of scarcity. or as he put it 'The economy of salvation. Much of his talk centered on the emptiness of the promise of wealth built on thin foundation and how we could not return to the old ways. We then heard from 3 young people including a native American, and an African doctor about how the experienced and carried out the work of the Gospel.
It has been a long day, but a good one.
peace to you all
1 comment:
Thanks for the pictures!
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